The Testo 810 measures the air temperature and simultaneously the surface temperature by infrared without contact. This allows the surface temperature of a radiator, an air vent or a window to be conveniently compared with the air temperature in the room. The infrared measurement is carried out with 1-point laser measurement spot marking and 6:1 optics. The difference between air and surface temperature is automatically displayed.
Key Feature :
Handy pocket-sized combi instrument for non-contact measurement of the surface temperature and air temperature measurement
1-point laser measurement point marking and 6:1 optics
Hold-function, display of max./min. values and the difference between air and surface temperature
Settable emissivity
Display illumination
Battery Life : 50 Hours
Protection Class : IP40
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Related keyword:-
contactless thermometer , digital infrared thermometer , ir thermometer , non contact infrared thermometer .
Weight | 2.1 kg |
Dimensions | 122 × 145 × 321 cm |